A downloadable soundtrack

Soundtrack Composed for the OST Composing Jam 03 by LoneRabbit.

4 musical tracks (heavily) inspired by Panzer Dragoon, Conan The Barbarian, Ninja Gaiden & Shadow Of The Colossus, which are :

Track 1 : Discovery

The protagonist finds the White Dragon secluded in a cave, wounded.
She treats its injury, and by earning its trust, it accepts to tell his story.
Several centuries ago, the Elder Race put him in a deep sleep, only to awaken if forces of evil were to be unleashed, which happened several hours ago with the awakening of the Black Dragon (another creation of the Elder Race that turned against its creators).
Unfortunately, the White Dragon now needs someone to guide him in this world that has seen many changes during his slumber, a role that the protagonist willingly accepts to fill.
They will now share the same path until the Dragon has fulfilled its true purpose.

Track 2 : Heavenly Flight

After exiting the cave, the White Dragon shows the protagonist his flight abilities, and she learns how to guide and steer him through the clouds of the Azure Skies.
She guides him for a few hours, seeing distant landscapes like she never did before.
Suddenly, she sees a huge trail of smoke from a place she knows well : her home village.

Track 3 : Ruined Village

While she was gone, her village has been burnt down by unknown evil forces. Few villagers remain there, the others have either been abudcted or died in the fire.
According to the remaining villagers, the opponent were searching for the White Dragon, and fled to the South after destroying the village trying to find it.
Before searching for the culprits, the protagonist wanders through the ruins, reminiscing on what there once was where she stood.

Track 4 : Enemy Showdown

Going south, several dragon riders stand in the way of the protagonist's way, not letting her reach her opponents : the only choice is to fight.
The protagonist grabs her gun, while the White Dragon lets out a mighty roar, ready to unleash its true strength.

Jam Results 


Zip File (All 4 tracks included) 53 MB
Soundcloud Link

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